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The 60 | Mission Unexpected | Mark 6:7-32


Debrief offers an abridged outline of the Sunday sermon for individuals or Community Groups alike, to re-engage the content of the Sunday sermon.  This outline is far from complete, but serves to give a track or road map to walk through the content of Sunday in another context during the week

Our Mission Is To GO, Not Just To Gather  (v:7, 12-13)

Rabbi’s and Disciples:  the expected and accepted mission of the average Rabbi of the day would be to gather with his disciples, not to send them out to.  This is mission unexpected for the disciples.

The expected and accepted mission of the church is gathering, much more so than going.  Going is mission unexpected. 

The disciples are not just to gather with one another and help to gather large crowds to hear the preaching of Jesus…….They are to GO to the people and preach like Jesus. 

We are not just to gather with one another and help gather large crowds so people can hear preaching about Jesus…….We are to GO to the people and preach like and about Jesus. 

In Mark 3:13-15, Jesus Calls them to GO, now Jesus Commissions them to GO.  The call TO Jesus is a call to GO for and with Jesus.

What do they do when they go?  What should we do when we go? 

The very same things that Jesus did:

(1) Preaching Repentance and (2) Meeting everyday needs 

The disciples had learned well by watching Jesus well, now they are sent out by Jesus to do exactly what He does.  

Gathering people sounds pretty Exciting…….Going to people sounds pretty Intimidating.  That’s why we should go out two by two.

Benefits of Going Two by Two:

(1) Christian Company  

(2) Christian Counsel  

(3) Complementary Gifts

Our Mission Is To Trust, Not Over-think  (v:8-9)

Everyday Journey:  the expected and accepted MO for anyone in that day would be to prepare for a journey by taking provisions such as bread, a bag, money and an extra change of clothes, not just trusting that all of that would be provided along the way.  This is journey unexpected for the disciples.

The expected and accepted mission of the church tends to be over-thinking not so much trusting.  Trusting is mission unexpected.         

Jesus was asking the disciples to go out without the security of the normal things they’re used to.  They were not to take the things they would take on a normal journey (bread, bag, money, an extra tunic).

This does not mean that we don’t pray or plan, BUT that we don’t spend all our time praying and planning, and none of our time trusting and going.

Why shouldn’t we plan to the point of over-thinking?

There’s NO Time:  the four (4) things Jesus told the disciples to take (cloak, belt, sandals, staff), are the same four things God told the Israelites to take on their flight from Egypt (Ex.12:11)

Our Mission Is Personal, Not Impersonal  (v:10)

The expected and accepted mission of the average Rabbi would be to gather his disciples in very public settings, not send them out into private residences.  This is mission unexpected for the disciples.

The expected and accepted mission of the church can many times be impersonal, not personal.  Personal relationship is mission unexpected.

Our tendency is to invite people to a program, not share personal relationship with them.  Entering their home means getting involved in their lives on the most personal level.

Our Mission Is Fluid, Not Frozen  (v:11)

The expected and accepted mission of the people of God in Jesus’ day was to be with the same people they’d always been with, do the same things they’d always done, and hope and expect something better than they’d always had.

The expected and accepted mission of the church can many times seem frozen, routine, staying in the same place, with the same programs, trying over and over to reach the same people.  Fluidity is mission unexpected.

Are you spending all your time on the same people in the same place, even though you have the same results?  Is this what Jesus has in mind?

Our Mission Is Costly, Not Conventional  (v:14-29)

The expected and accepted mission of the people of God in Jesus’ day was to run their conventional programs (feast, holy days, etc), mind their own business, and make room for Gentiles to join them if they really wanted to.  Their approach would cost them nothing, but cost Gentiles everything.

The expected and accepted mission of the church in OC can many times be conventional (program driven). Costliness is mission unexpected.

Mark sandwiches the death of John in between the Sending and Returning of The 12 to emphasize the costliness of the mission Jesus calls us to.

John paid the ultimate cost for being on the ultimate mission.  He paid the highest price for staying true to the highest call.  John was the greatest man according to Jesus, and He paid the greatest price, like Jesus.  If you want to be great like Jesus, you will have to pay a great price, like Jesus.

Our Mission Is Paced, Not Frantic  (v:30-32)

One of the dangers of a Missional Church is that it’s go, go, go - 24/7, and leaves little time for rest and reflection with Jesus.

Jesus has already gone off once to a solitary place to rest & pray (1:35)

We need time to Reflect with Jesus.  We need time to Rest with Jesus.

Jesus worked hard, and rested hard, and was able to say the end of His ministry, “I glorified you on earth, having accomplished the work that you gave me to do.” (Jn.17:4)

Diving In

Diving In offers a few questions to help you re-engage the concepts from Sunday. Feel the freedom to use all of the questions, or to simply camp out on just one. These questions aren't intended to answer all the issues that surface through the thrust of this weeks' message, but to simply raise them and allow you time and space to process them, ideally in the context of your Community Group.

  • How have you seen your idea of the mission of Jesus to be different than the actual mission of Jesus?  Maybe here in Mark 6?  In what ways?
  • Have you found yourself 'planning' to be involved in the mission of God more than 'going' on the mission of God.  Can planning become an excuse for going?
  • How much time are you spending gathering with the people of God?  How much time are you spending going to the people around you with the Gospel of God?
  • Do you sense you're frozen in any traditions or routines today that are keeping you from being free to engage in the mission of God?
  • What has been one of the most costly things to you in your engagement of the Gospel and the mission of God?  What was the true 'price' paid?

Deep End

The Deep End is a short and simple formation exercise you can use to dive deep into your heart before God. Feel the freedom to divert from the directions if that makes it easier for you to connect with Jesus in this exercise.
  • First, quiet your heart before the Lord. If you find yourself distracted by various thoughts (things on your “To Do” list, etc.), don’t “fight” the distractions, but rather spend some time praying over those things. Hopefully soon your heart will quieted down and you will be able to hear the Lord speaking to you.
  • After this, take 5-10 minutes to read through and meditate on Mark 6:30-32.  Read through these verses a few times, committing them to memory as you can.
  • Next, consider the following question: "How have you 'debriefed' your missinal life with Jesus lately?"  Ask the Holy Spirit to bring to mind times recently you have dialogued with Jesus about the successes and shortcomings of your missional life with those around you.  What has the Spirit been impressing upon you lately in terms of your engagement of the Gospel with those around you?  Remain in an open posture here, being willing to receive whatever it is He has for you in this.  Don't reject His revelation if it's uncomfortable.  Receive it.  'Debrief' it with Him.
  • After this, ask the Spirit to show you one specific way He is convicting you to respond to what He's revealing to you.
  • End your time by thanking Him for reforming you into the image of His Son - on mission.

Our digest section is all about helping you to memorize and meditate on God's Word so you'll be able to better digest it.  Take some time to commit these short verses to memory this week:
And he said to them, "Come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest a while.". - Mark 6:31

My hope is that these simple exercises in The 60 will help what we discovered during this week be distilled, and deepened in your heart and life with Jesus.


For The Elders

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