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The Church & The Gospel

This week we looked at eight myths about the Church, eight marks of the Church and eight metaphors God has given us to describe His Church to us.

The Church Defined:
  • Kuriakon: (Gk) (church) - belonging to th Lord
  • Ekklesia: (Gk) - called out ones (ek (out) + kaleo (called) )
  • The term ‘church’ can refer to the worldwide church, a regional church, a city-wide church, or a local congregation (Ephesians 5:25, Acts 9:31, 1 Corinthians 1:2, Romans 16:5, 1 Corinthians 16:19)

The local church is is the Spirit filled, Son Confessing, Scripture Keeping, Sacrament Observing, Spirit United, Sanctifying, Submitted to Godly leadership, Sent and Scattered people of God.

Eight Myths, Marks & Metaphors of The Church

Myth #1: The Church is all the people that show up on Sunday or are on the membership role or mailing list

"As long as I’m there, I’m in."  This myth is dangerous because if believed:

  • It can cause people to think they’re part of the church when they’re not
  • It can cause the church to be more concerned about how many people are there instead of how many people there really know Jesus
Mark #1: Spirit Filled ( Acts 2:38-39; Titus 3:5)
Metaphor #1: Temple of God (2 Corinthians 6:16)

Myth #2: There are all kinds of churches that emphasize all kinds of particulars about Jesus

"You can believe what you want about Jesus and still be part of the Church"

This myth is dangerous because if believed:

  • It can cause people to think they know Jesus, only to know another Jesus that’s not even real (ie. Jesus of Orange County; Mormon, JW)
  • It can cause the church to be schizophrenic when it comes to Jesus at best, and apostate at worst
Mark #2: Son Confessing (Acts 2:32; Acts 2:36; 1 John 4:2-3)
Metaphor #2: Bride of Christ (Revelation 19:7)
  • As the Bride of Christ, we should know our Bridegroom intimately
  • As the Bride of Christ, we must be faithful to Jesus, and not commit adultery by accepting “another Jesus,” “another Spirit,” or “a different gospel”
  • As the Bride of Christ, we love Jesus for who He is, not who we want Him to be, make Him up to be or think He is

Myth #3: There are all kinds of churches that emphasize all kinds of teachers and teaching

"You can take or leave Scripture or part of Scripture, or add to it, and still be part of the Church"

This myth is dangerous because if believed:

  • It undermines the foundation and truth of everything someone believes about Jesus and the Gospel, and makes it completely arbitrary
Mark #3: Scripture Keeping (Acts 2:42; 2 Timothy 3:16)
Metaphor #3: Pillar & Buttress of Truth (1 Timothy 3:15)

Myth #4: There are all kinds of churches that emphasize all kinds of sacred practices

"You can take or leave baptism and communion and still be part of the Church"

This myth is dangerous because if believed:

  • Jesus specifically commanded us to do both, and if someone refuses to, they are living in active, conscious disobedience to Jesus, who said, ‘If you love me, obey me.’
  • It neglects two of the main ways we identify with Jesus, His Gospel and His death and resurrection
Mark #4: Sacrament Observing ( Acts 2:38; Acts 2:47b; Matthew 28:19; 1 Corinthians11:26)
Metaphor #4: Body of Christ (Ephesians 1:22-23)
  • As the Body of Christ, we’re the locus of Jesus activity now, just as His physical body was during His earthly ministry. And through baptism, we are not only united with Christ in His body, but picture His death and resurrection to the world around us.
  • As the Body of Christ, we are nourished and directed by Him as the Head of His Body, and are reminded about this every time we take communion.

Myth #5: The Church is made up of a particular generation or genre of people.

"The church is for a particular kind of person"

This myth is dangerous because if believed:

  • It can cause people to seek affinity only with people who are like them, ignoring others
  • It can cause the church to focus more on a particular kind of person rather than all people who God created in His image
Mark #5: Spirit United (Acts 2:8-11; Acts 4:32; 1 Corinthians 12:13)
Metaphor #5: Household of God (1 Timothy 3:15)
Myth #6: Anyone can be part of the Church, no matter how they live

"You can live like hell and expect heaven, as long as you ‘belong’ to a church."

This myth is dangerous because if believed:

  • It gives someone a false sense of hope that they’re really part of the Church and will receive the benefits of being part of the Church
  • It dilutes and pollutes the church so that the entire church is engrossed in unrepentant sin sooner or later (leaven leavening the entire lump)
Mark #6: Sanctifying (Acts 5:4b-5; 1 John 3:6)
Metaphor #6: Holy Nation (1 Peter 2:9)
Myth #7: The Church isn’t an institution, so formal leadership really isn’t that important

"I don’t have to belong to have to belong to a particular church or submit to formal leaders to be part of the Church. I can just follow Jesus on my own."

This myth is dangerous because if believed:

  • It isolates a person and leaves them vulnerable to false assumptions and false teachers and a false sense of security
  • It confuses the church, exposes the church to false teaching, and robs the church of a sense of security
Mark #7: Submitted To Godly Leadership (Acts 2:42; Hebrews 13:17)
Metaphor #7: Flock of Sheep (1 Peter 5:2)
Myth #8: The Church is the place I go and the people that gather on Sunday

"Church only happens when we’re all together, usually on Sunday."

This myth is dangerous because if believed:

  • It robs a person of their sense of identity six days out of the week
  • It ignores and stifles the Great Commission of Jesus
Mark #8: Sent & Scattered (Acts 1:8; Matthew 18:19-20)
Metaphor #8: Salt of the Earth / Light of The World (Matthew 5:13-14)


Want to listen more?

If you want to listen more, take an hour to listen to this message on the Church by Mark Dirscoll from Mars Hill Church in Seattle:


Want to read more?

Vintage Church, by Mark Driscoll and Gerry Breshears

Unfinished Business, by Greg Ogdon

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